Membership Categories

Ordinary Membership

Open to all Medical Physicists. Must have worked or be working as Medical Physicists. Hold a postgraduate qualification in Medical Physics.

Associate Membership

Open to trainees in Medical Physics at recognized institutions. Requires payment of fees as per the by-laws.

Life Membership

For those with outstanding contributions to the Association's objectives for at least 5 years. Requires application to the National Governing Council and payment of fees. Bestowed by recommendation of a select committee.

Honorary Membership

Recommended by the National Governing Council at the National General Meeting. For individuals who have furthered or are in a position to further the Association's objectives. Cannot hold National or Branch Offices.

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Detailed Membership Information

5. Membership

(a) Any Kenyan citizen who is a Medical Physicist, or who is training to become one, and foreign professional Medical Physicists over the age of eighteen years shall be eligible for membership of the Association and shall, subject to approval of the committee, become a member on payment of a membership fee as set by the National Governing Council.

(b) Such Membership is open to all qualified individuals of all citizenry, nationality, race, colour, creed and any other social, economic or political strata as they may either ascribe themselves to, or be ascribed to by their society, without any discrimination whatsoever as to age or any other social, political or economic connection, as may for the time being be found and or be domiciled or otherwise resident at such places where the activities of the Association shall be found, whether within or without the borders of the Republic of Kenya.

(c) Every applicant for membership shall apply on the form prescribed by the Association.

(d) As soon as possible after the receipt of an application for membership, the National Governing Council shall consider the application and determine the same PROVIDED HOWEVER that the National Governing Council may delegate the task of considering the applications for membership to a sub-committee or to the Branch Councils which shall consider the applications and make their recommendations to the National Governing Council on the basis of which recommendations the National Governing Council shall determine the application.

(e) The National Governing Council may accept, reject or defer the decision on any application PROVIDED THAT any decision to reject or defer shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the earliest opportunity.

(f) When an application is accepted for membership, the Secretariat shall forthwith send to the applicant a written notice of acceptance, upon which the applicant shall become a member of the Association PROVIDED nevertheless, that an omission on the part of the Association to send to the applicant such a written notice of acceptance shall not of its own invalidate such membership of any individual where the Association has by its conduct deemed such an individual as being a member and has thereby accepted that individuals participation in its objectives herein.

(g) Without prejudice to the foregoing, the National Governing Council may, where they consider expedient to the realization objects of the Association invite to membership any person or body, local or foreign and to this end waive the requirement for application.

(h) Every person or body admitted to membership of the Association shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by this Constitution and Rules and by any other rules and/or regulations of the Association from time to time in force.

6. Categories of Membership

There shall be the following categories of Membership of the Association:

a) Ordinary Membership: Shall be open to all Medical Physicists who possess any of the following qualifications:

  • Must have worked/ or be working as Medical Physicists
  • Holds a suitable academic qualification and experience in Medical Physics as prescribed in the by-laws of this constitution.

b) Associate Membership: Shall be open to any person undergoing a course of training in Medical Physics in a recognized institution upon payment of such sums of money as prescribed in the by-laws of this Constitution.

c) Life Membership: Shall be open to persons whose contribution has been outstanding in the progression of the Association’s objectives for a continuous period of not less than 5 years after their registration as ordinary members.

  • Life Membership shall be obtained through an application to the National Governing Council and upon payment of prescribed sums of money.
  • A select or standing committee whose terms of reference shall be set by the Consultative Forum shall recommend to the National Governing Council the bestowing of life membership upon such qualifying persons.

d) Honorary Membership: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the National Governing Council may recommend to members in the National General Meeting the conferring of the status of Honorary Member of the Association to any person who has in time past furthered or is presently is in a position to further the objectives of either or both this Association and or the profession of Medical Physics in Kenya. And such a person shall be known as an ‘Honorary Member of the Association’. These members cannot vie for or hold National or Branch Offices.

7. Cessation of Membership

A member shall cease to be a member if:

  • The member resigns by notice in writing, left at or sent by registered post to the Registered Office of the Association, or otherwise sent by any electronic means to any official of the Association, PROVIDED nevertheless, that an omission on the part of the member to issue such notice in writing shall not of its own deem an individual as being a member where such member has by his public conduct demonstrated that he no longer ascribes to the objectives of the Association under this Constitution, and or that he is in no way party to the activities of the Association under its objectives herein.
  • In the absence of issuing a notice in writing, the member resigns by his public conduct as stated in clause (a) above.
  • By resolution of two-thirds majority of members present at a National General Meeting, members terminate the membership of any member whose conduct, in their opinion, has compromised the position of the Association or brought the Association into disrepute pursuant to these rules and any other rules and/or regulations of the Association; or has breached any code published by the Association or to which the Association subscribes. Such person shall from the time of such resolution cease to be a member of the Association provided that before such resolution is proposed, such member shall have at least twenty one (21) days prior notice of such resolution and shall have the right to be heard at the meeting at which it is proposed.
  • Having been suspended from membership by resolution of two-thirds majority of members present at a Branch General Meeting on grounds under clause (c) above, the National General Meeting confirms the grounds for the said suspension and replaces the suspension with a dismissal.
  • The member dies.